It is very simple to know the most useful commands of the Linux operating system. Like any other Linux user, these commands will be really useful for you and will let you know how to respond and on what.
ls - The most frequently used command in Linux to list directories
pwd - Print working directory command in Linux
cd - Linux command to navigate through directories
mkdir - Command used to create directories in Linux
mv - Move or rename files in Linux
cp - Similar usage as mv but for copying files in Linux
rm - Delete files or directories
touch - Create blank/empty files
cat - Display file contents on the terminal
clear - Clear the terminal display
uname - Linux command to get basic information about the OS
whoami - Get the active username
#The ls command in Linux
The ls command is used to list files and directories in the current working directory. This is going to be one of the most frequently used Linux commands you must know of.
#The pwd command in Linux
The pwd command allows you to print the current working directory on your terminal. It’s a very basic command and solves its purpose very well.(/ means I am in root directory)
#The cd command in Linux
The cd command is one of the important Linux commands you must know and it will help you to navigate through directories.
#The mkdir command in Linux
The mkdir command allows you to create directories from within the terminal. The default syntax is mkdir followed by the directory name.
Syntax: mkdir <folder_name>
#The cp and mv commands
The cp and mv commands are equivalent to the copy-paste and cut-paste in Windows. But since Linux doesn’t really have a command for renaming files, we also make use of the mv command to rename & move files and folders.
Syntax: cp <source> <destination>
#The rm command in Linux
The rm command is used to delete files and folders and is one of the important Linux commands you must know.
Syntax: rm <folder/directory name>
rm -r <folder/directory name>
Please note : To delete a directory, you have to add the -r argument to it. Without the -r argument, rm command won’t delete directories.
#The touch command in Linux
To create a new file, the touch command will be used. The touch keyword followed by the file name will create a file in the current directory.
syntax: touch <filename>
#The cat command in Linux
When you want to print something from a text file you should use cat command.
Syntax: cat <filename>
#The clear command in Linux
When you want to clear your terminal we can use clear command in Linux.
Syntax: clear
#The uname and whoami commands
The uname will show the kernal version in Linux and whoami show the currently login user name
Thank you all for giving your valuable time for reading. Please feel free to give feedback or remarks, it will be highly appreciated.
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